日本政府推出的颠覆性创新政策"Im PACT计划"已经实施3年多,其独特的项目管理人(PM)选拔机制专注于遴选那些有志于完成"高风险-高影响力"的颠覆性技术创新人才。本文收集整理了Im PACT计划选拔出的16位PM的研究计划,运用NVivo软件从16位PM的研究计划中提炼、概括出质性数据,并参照创新人才心理维度的五维分析框架,借以考察Im PACT计划创新人才的选拔方式,发现Im PACT计划的PM集中表现为基础智力心理维度突出,研究风格、个人性格和研究知识在个体间差异较大,而产生颠覆性影响的动机维度并不明显;此外,本文还总结了与Im PACT计划相关的38所大学。本文可以为持续考察Im PACT计划及其最终效果提供研究参考。
The Im PACT Program( Impulsing PAradigm Change through Disruptive Technologies) has been implemented over 3 years by the Japanese government. Its special Project Manager( PM) evaluation mechanism has focused on innovative talents who may conduct"High Risk-High Impact"projects with disruptive technologies. This paper collected the research proposals of the 16 PMs in the Im PACT Program,extracted quantitative data from the proposals through NVivo software. According to the psychological theory that analyses innovative talents with a five dimensional framework,this paper studied on the selection of innovative talents in the Im PACT Program and found that the PMs' proposals showed intensive and significant value in the dimension of basic intelligence,big differences among individuals in the dimensions of research style,personality,and research knowledge,while non-significant data shown in the dimension of motivation to promote disruptive impact. In addition,the paper also summarised the 38 universities in the program. The paper could be a reference to the continuing research on Im PACT Program and its final result.
Science Research Management