对鸡毒霉形体内蒙古分离株H3 株的TM 1基因进行了克隆和序列分析。根据巳发表的MGS6株TM 1蛋白基因序列分析设计了 1对引物 ,以H3 株DNA为模板进行PCR扩增 ,得到约 0 .8kb的片段 ,将该产物克隆到pUCm T载体上 ,得到重组质粒。经Kieser法、质粒PCR法、PstⅠ单酶切等方法鉴定后 ,测定H3 株TM 1基因序列 ,并与已知S6株TM 1基因序列进行了比较 ,结果表明 ,MGH3 株与S6株TM 1基因核苷酸序列同一性为 96.5 7% ,氨基酸同一性为95 .42 %。这些结果为进一步研究MGH3
In this report, cloning and sequence analysis of TM 1 gene of MG strain H 3 was done. A set of oligonucleotid primers was designed according to the published sequences of MG strain S 6 .A fragment of 0.8 kb was amplified by PCR from DNA of strain H 3 and cloned into plasmid vector pUCm T and identified by sequence analysis. By comparing the cloned TM 1 DNA fragment sequence with the correspodnding published S 6 sequence, it was found that H 3 TM 1 gene have 96.57% and 95.42% homologies with S 6 TM 1 gene in nucleotide and amine acid level. The result of the experiment provide an important basis for further study on gene vaccine and genetic engineering vaccine of strain H 3.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology