在2015年1月-2015年12月期间,本研究团队对贵州纳朵洞3处滴水点和1处池水点进行了为期一个水文年的监测和实验分析,并结合当地的气象资料,分析了各个滴水点的时空变化特征,初步探讨了洞穴滴水对外界气温和降水的响应机制。(1)洞穴滴水类型的不同导致对外界大气降水的响应机制存在差异,D4和D8为常年性滴水,响应较慢,D7为季节性滴水,响应较快。p H和电导率变化趋势大致相似,总体表现出夏季低、冬季高的特点,3处滴水点水中的CO2浓度变化趋势表现出一致性,呈现出夏季浓度高,冬季浓度低的特点,且存在一定的滞后性,滞后期大约为2个月,这与洞穴外界大气温度与降水的季节变化有关。(2)D4、D8、D7滴水点的土壤和岩层厚度逐渐递减,导致水-土-岩反应时间也随着减少,3处滴水点Ca2+、Mg2+、Ba2+、Sr2+的浓度变化也表现出逐级递减的特点,DC池水点由于夏季洞内CO2浓度较高,致使水中p H偏低,继续溶解下部基岩,进而致使水中Ca2+的浓度偏高。(3)滴水点中Ca2+、Mg2、Ba2+、Sr2+的浓度变化特征总体上表现随着降水的增加,浓度逐渐上升,雨季高于旱季的特点。在5月~10月份雨季期间,随着降水量的增加,各个滴水点Mg/Ca比值处于下降阶段,而在11月至次年4月旱季期间,随着降水量的减少,Mg/Ca比值处于增加阶段。
During the period from January 2015 to December 2015,the research team conducted a hydrological year monitoring and temporal and spatial characteristics of each drip point were analyzed,and the response mechanism of cave drip to external air experimental analysis on three drip points and one water point in Naduo Cave,Guizhou. Based on the local meteorological data,The temperature andprecipitation was discussed.( 1) The drip types of different drip points have different responses to the external precipitation,D4 and D8 are dripping year by year,the response is slow,and D7 is the seasonal drip,the response is fast. The trends of p H and conductivity are similar,. the overall performance characteristics of summer is low and winter is generally high.The trend of CO2 concentration in three drip points shows consistency,high concentration in summer and seasonal variation of atmospheric temperature and precipitation in the cave.( 2) Spatial variation of drip point due to the soil and rock layer thickness of D4,D8,D7 drip points are gradually decreasing,the reaction time of water-soil-rock with reduced. the concentration change trend of three drip points’ s Ca2+,Mg2+,Ba2+,Sr2+is basically the same,showing decreased step by step,the high CO2 concentration of the pool water in summer,resulting in low PH,continue to dissolve the lower bedrock,and then the concentration of Ca2+in water is high.( 3) The concentration of Ca2+,Mg2+,Ba2+,Sr2+in the drip-point showed a general increase with the increase of precipitation,and the rainy season was higher than the dry season. During the rainy season from May to October,with the increase of precipitation,the ratio of Mg/Ca in each dripping point was in the descending stage. while During the dry season from November to April,precipitation decreased and Mg/Ca ratio increased.
Bulletin of Science and Technology