粘性介质压力成形(Viscous pressure forming,VPF)适合于高强度难变形材料钣金零件的制造。本文应用有限元商业软件DEFORMTM进行模拟,对比分析采用粘性介质压力成形和刚性凸模成形高温合金波纹形薄壁件过程中材料危险点的变化。发现前者板料成形的危险点会发生转移,释缓了应力集中,降低了缺陷发生的可能性,因此,有利于提高板料的成形性。
Viscous pressure forming (VPF) is a good sheet metal forming flexible method to manufacture high strength and difficult-to-form material parts. The variation of critical point, during the forming of sheets with VPF and conventional stamping, has been investigated in simulation of the forming process of superalloy corrugated part via the FE commercial software DEFORM? It was found that compared with rigid punch forming, the critical point of the sheet will move during VPF, benefiting to release the stress concentration and decrease the possibility of necking occurrence hence improvement of the formability of sheets.
China Metalforming Equipment & Manufacturing Technology