
Two new species of Syrphidae(Diptera) from Shanxi,China

摘要 This paper describes two new species of Syrphidae from Shanxi Province of China.Chrysotoxum seximaculatum sp.nov.is similar to C.rossicum Becker,1921,but differs from the latter by the rather short hairs on body,black pleuron,three pairs of orange marks on abdomen and tergite 5 black,the latter with long hairs on body,black pleuron with yellow marks,four pairs of yellow marks on abdomen and tergite 5 with yellow small lateral marks.Dasysyrphus luyashanensis sp.nov.is allied to D.albostriatus(Fallén,1817),but can be distinguished from the latter by the postalar callus with yellow maculae,hind femur with black broad rings and apical segments of hind tarsi blackish dorsally,the latter with both postalar callus and postpronotal lobes with yellow maculae,basal 1/4 to 1/2 of the fore and middle femora,middle part of hind femur and apical half of hind tibia black. 记述中国山西蚜蝇科昆虫2新种:六斑长角蚜蝇Chrysotoxum seximaculatum sp.nov.,与近似种红盾长角蚜蝇C.rossicum Becker,1921的区别特征在于其体被毛极短,胸部侧板整个黑色,腹部仅具3对桔黄色斑,第5背板黑色后(后者被毛长,胸部侧板具黄斑,腹部具4对黄斑,第5背板具1对小黄斑);芦芽山毛蚜蝇Dasysyrphus luyashanensis sp.nov.,近似D.albostriatus(Fallén,1817),但新种仅翅后胛具黄斑,后足腿节具宽黑环,后足跗节端部4节背面暗黑色(后者肩胛、翅后胛均具黄斑,前、中足腿节基部1/4至基半部、后足腿节中部、后足胫节端半部为黑色)。
作者 景昊 霍科科
出处 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 2017年第1期62-67,共6页 昆虫分类学报(英文)
基金 funded by a Key Project of the Bio-resources Key Laboratory of Shaanxi Province(14JS017) a Scientific Research Plan Projects of Key Laboratory of Shaanxi Education Department(16JS020) a China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(2016M590968)
关键词 hover flies Chrysotixum Dasysyrphus taxonomy 食蚜蝇 长角蚜蝇属 毛蚜蝇属 分类
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