长孔姬蜂属Goedirtia Boie隶属于姬蜂亚科Ichneumoninae长孔姬蜂族Goedartiini,至目前为止,全世界共记载4种,分布于古北区和东洋区,其中分布于我国广东省的有1种,即蓝色长孔姬蜂Goedartia cyanea Heinrich。 本属主要特征为:腹部第1节基半部宽度小于厚度,背方常有隆脊。上颚宽,不向端部变窄,两个端齿长而尖;上颊隆肿。小翅室上方尖;小咏在基脉外侧;腹部第1节气门长度约为宽度的3倍;前足胫节末端外侧有一齿状突;腹部第2节背板窗疤甚大。
Goedartia mianchiensis Shi, sp.nov.( Fig. 1)This new species resembles Goedartia cyanea Heinrich and G.alboguttata Grav., but may be separated from the former by mesoscutum entirely black without yellowish-white longitudinal band and by yellowish-white transverse band of postpetiolus even broader; and from the latter by having some yellowish-white maculae on its head and propodeum, with dense punctations on its head.Holotype (?), collected from Mianchi County, Henan Prorince by Zhou Yongjun, 15-V-1981.The type specimen is preserved in the Insect Collection of the Department of Plant Protection, Henan Agricultural University.