基于Constaza等提出的方法,在对青藏高原天然草地生态系统服务价值根据其生物量订正的基础上,逐项估算了各种草地类型的各项生态服务价值,得出青藏高原天然草地生态系统每年提供的生态服务价值为2571 78×108元,占全国草地生态系统每年服务价值的17 68%。受各类草地生物群落分布广度和单位面积生态服务功能强弱的综合影响,各类草地的生态服务价值贡献率有很大差异,其中,高寒草甸、山地草甸、高寒草原对草地生态系统总服务价值的贡献率分别为62 52%、14 14%、12 92%。根据高寒草地的地域分异特征分亚区进行的生态价值估算结果表明,亚区生态服务价值具有沿东南向西北迅速减小的趋势,这与青藏高原气候条件自东南向西北由温暖湿润转向寒冷干旱是一致的。说明生态系统的地域分布条件对生态服务价值的大小有直接的影响。对毁草种田所产生的生态价值损失估算表明,仅青海和西藏两省区的生态损失每年高达2 29×108元,占两省区GDP总值的0 9%。
Referring to the methods of Costanza at el,this article revises the economic value of ecosystem services of natural grasslands in QinghaiTibet Plateau according to their biomass,estimates each ecosystem service of all kinds of grasslands ecosystems and concludes that the economic value of natural grasslands in QinghaiTibet Plateau per year is RMB ¥ 257×1011 that accounts for 1768% of the economic value of the grassland ecosystem services in ChinaAs the distribution scope of each kind of grassland and the ecosystem services per hectare are different,the weight of ecosystem services of each kind of grassland to all kinds of grasslands in different,in which the weights of alpine meadow,montane meadow and highcold steppe to ecosystem services of grassland ecosystems are 6252%,1414% and 1292%The article estimates the ecological value of each subregion of highcold grasslands according to the regional differentiation,and the result indicates that the ecological value of subregion has a trend of decreasing swiftly from southeast to northwest,which accords with the trend of the climate condition of QinghaiTibet Plateau that it is warm and humid in southwest,then cold and drought in northwestThis indicates that the regional distribution condition of ecosystems has direct impact on ecological valueThe estimation of ecological value of damaging grasslands into croplands shows that the ecological loss of Qinghai and Tibet is RMB ¥229×108,which accounts for 09% GDP of these two provinces
Mountain Research