
本溪市儿童呼吸系统健康状况及其影响因素 被引量:6

Health Status of Children's Respiratory Systems and Analysis of Influential Factors in Benxi
摘要 目的 调查工业城市——本溪市大气污染对儿童呼吸系统健康的影响,筛选可能产生呼吸系统损害的各种因素,以提出防治措施,保护易感人群。方法 根据环保部门提供的大气污染数据,选择轻、重2个污染区,并分别选取1、6年级学龄儿童各3000名,男、女各半,以发放调查表的方式进行呼吸系统健康状况调查。结果 轻、重污染区TSP浓度分别为0.59 mg/m3和1.02 mg/m3,差异有显著性(P<0.05);SO2分别为0.17 mg/m3和0.19 mg/m3。重污染区儿童的咳嗽、咯痰、咳嗽咯痰、持续咳嗽咯痰等症状的阳性率均高于轻污染区儿童(P<0.05)。重污染区儿童的支气管炎、哮喘性支气管炎、肺炎的患病率也高于轻污染区儿童(P<0.05)。用非条件logistic回归模型计算了几种呼吸系统症状和疾病的OR值及95%,可信区间,通过调整大气污染区、年龄、性别、家庭用煤、父母吸烟、通风设施、父母亲呼吸系疾病史等因素,在控制了其他因素后,重污染区儿童患呼吸系统疾病和症状的危险性显著高于轻污染区(P<0.05或P<0.01)。父母亲呼吸系疾病史、家庭成员吸烟也是危险因素之一。结论 大气污染能够引起儿童呼吸系统健康的损害。 Objective To evaluate the health effects of ambient air pollution on the respiratory systems of school children and screen the risk factors associated with respiratory diseases in order to propose air pollution control measures and to protect susceptible population. Methods The air pollution monitoring data were obtained from the local environmental protection bureau. Six thousand elementary school pupils (grade 1 and grade 6, half girls and half boys) were selected from light and heavy air pollution areas. Respiratory health states were assessed by investigation of the children's respiratory symptoms and diseases using a parent-completed questionnaire. The results were analyzed by non-conditional logistic regression analysis to calculate ORs of respiratory symptoms and diseases and 95% confidence intervals, after adjustment for air pollution levels, age, sex, indoor coal-burning, parents' smoking, ventilation and parents' respiratory disease history. Results TSP in lightly and heavily air-polluted areas were 0.59 mg/m3 and 1.02 mg/m3 respectively (P<0.05), SO2 were 0.17 mg/m3 and 0.19 mg/m3. The incidence of respiratory symptoms (cough, phlegm, wheeze) and diseases (bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis, pneumonia) in the children who lived in the heavily air-polluted area was significantly higher than that in the children who lived in the lightly air-polluted area (P<0.05). After adjustment for associated factors, the same results were obtained (P<0.05 or P<0.0l). In addition, parent's respiratory disease history and the members of the family smoking were also risk factors when other factors were adjusted. Conclusion Air pollution could affect school children's respiratory systems.
出处 《环境与健康杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期93-95,共3页 Journal of Environment and Health
基金 辽宁省科委国际合作项目(98225005)
关键词 空气污染 儿童 呼吸系统疾病 危险因素 Air pollution Child Respiratory disease Risk factor
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