冶金石灰是石灰石经过工业煅烧的产品 ,其二氧化碳含量低 ,且经过高温煅烧后基本不含有机物 ,无需按照《石灰石、白云石化学分析国家标准中二氧化碳的化学分析方法》中用酸进行试样分解 ,只需在 12 0 0℃高温中灼烧 ,使石灰中残留的或煅烧后吸收空气中二氧化碳而形成的碳酸盐分解 ,象通常测定含碳耐火材料中二氧化碳那样 ,采用气体容量法进行测定。
The metallurgical lime,as the industrially calcined product with low CO 2 content and insignificant organism after high temperature calcination needs not to be dissolved with acid solution according to 'the Method of CO 2 Chemical Analysis in the National Standard for Chemical Analysis on Limestone and Dolomite' and only has to be fired at high temperture of 1?200?℃ so that the carbonate still remaining in the lime or generating via absorption of CO 2 in the air after calcinations can be solved and the CO 2 content in the refractory material measured out as normally done by the gas volume method.
Wisco Technology