泰戈尔散文诗具有尚淡的特色 ,其理论根据是只有他刻意追求的尚淡情调的散文诗才能实现外在世界与其心灵的完美结合。泰戈尔散文诗具有随意的特色 ,其理论根据是规则必须为人的创造性的艺术思维服务。泰戈尔散文诗具有广泛的题材 ,其理论根据是大梵的无所不在决定了与时俱进的文学家必须题材广泛。以上三方面均与中国宋代诗文理论之间存在着精神联系 ,这种内在的联系为泰戈尔散文诗与散文诗理论的比较研究提供了依据。
Tagore's prose poetry is of a simple and elegant style,whose theoretical grounds lie in that he did his best to achieve such a style in order that he might reach a perfect unification of the outside world and his inner life.It is also of a casual style,whose theoretical grounds lie in that all the literary laws must serve man's artistic thinking,which is essentially creative.And it is written in an extensive scale of subject matters,whose theoretical grounds lie in that Brahman is everywhere and therefore a writer that advances with the times must write in such a scale.The above three aspects are spiritually linked with the theories of Song China,which serves as a basis on which a comparative study is made of Taogre's prose poetry and his relative theories.
Yinshan Academic Journal