运用问卷调查、统计分析等方法 ,对连云港市农村体育锻炼现状进行研究与分析 ,发现连云港市农村体育锻炼人群在体育意识、体育锻炼行为以及场地设施、体育投入等方面都有自身的地方特色 ,通过分析这些特点 ,提出加强农村体育场地与设施建设。
The author has studied the situation of physical exercise in the rural areas of Lianyungang City. It is proposed that more sports fields and apparatus should be set up and the physical exercise in these areas should be correctly instructed. In the author's view, the public media can also do a lot to help promote the current situation there in this regard.
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education