随着经济全球化趋势的不断增强 ,许多原来采取单一的计划经济体制的国家正逐步向多元化的经济模式转变。而这些处于经济转型期的国家的卫生保健体制随着经济体制的转轨也正面临着一个全新的、充满挑战的环境 ,因此这些国家都寻求以新的医疗费用支付方式来取代旧的费用预算体制从而提高医院的绩效。本文总结了近年来东欧一些最具代表性的经济转轨国家在医疗费用支付方式改革中的经验与教训 。
As the globalization of the world economy,a number of transition countries which carried out the planned economy.The health care system of these transition countries are facing a new challenging environment,they are explored for new payment systems to improve the performance of health sectors.It has summarized in the paper that the theory and practice of the payment system reform in the typical transition countries of Eastern Europe,as well as discussed the development of hospital payment mechanism.
Chinese Health Resources