选用6个含油量不等(31.56—44.47%)的甘蓝型油菜品种,进行完全双列杂交的研究结果表明:杂种F_1、F_2含油量的高低与亲本含油量有关,双亲含油量高,F_1、F_2的含油量亦高,反之则低。以高亲为母本较以低亲为母本F_1含油量高。F_1含油量与母本含油量及中亲值呈显著正相关(相关系数分别为0.7588、0.5880),与父本含油量则无明显相关关系;F_2含油量与中亲值呈极显著正相关(0.8802),与双亲值正相关不显著。F_1含油量受基因型效应和母本效应的共同影响;而F_2含油量则主要受基因型效应的制约。菜籽含油量在F_1、F_2中均存在着杂种优势;其双亲差异越大,优势越强,高亲与低亲杂交F_1正交优势(7.27%)大于反交优势(0.58%),F_2正反交优势差异不大(正反交优势分别为4.06%和4.11%); 同时F_1正交多为正向优势,反交则多为负向优势,F_2正反交都多为正向优势,F_2与F_1相比正交优势为下降趋势,反交优势为上升趋势。
Adopting six strains of rapeseeds(B.napus) with different oil contents (31.56-44.47%), through complete dialled coss, the esult showed that the oil contents of F1 ard F2 are related to those of their parents. When the oil contents of parents are rich, those of F1 and F2 will be also high, on the contrary they will become low oil contents. The oil content of F1 appears as significant positive correlation with those of female parent and the mean value of two parents' oil contents (correlation coefficients are 0.75S8 and 0.5880 respectively), but it has not significant correlation to the oil content of male parent. The oil contnt of F2 appears as extremely marked positive correlation with mean value of parents' oil contents (0.8802) and the positive correlation with the value of each parent is not significant. The oil content of F1 is influenced by genotype effect and female-parent effect, while that of F2 is restricted by genotype effect. Both F1 and F2 have heterosis, the more parents' differece is marked, the more strong superiority will be. The parent with high oil content crossed the parent with low oil content, their F orthogonal superiority (7.27%) is higher than reciproval (0.58%) and the difference of orthogonal and reciprocal superiority in F2 is not obvious (i.e . 4.06% and 4.11%). While F1 orthogonal is usually positive tropism superiority and the reciprocal is negative tropism superiority, which orthogonal or reciprocal the F2 all are positive tropism superiority. By comparison with F1, the F2 orthogonal superiority shows descent tendency ahd reciprocal superiority presents tendency ia general.
Guizhou Agricultural Sciences
oil content: raoeseed: hereditv: heterosis