世界各主要国家和地区的经济状况表明世界经济正面临通货紧缩的危机。从长期来看 ,通货紧缩的危害性比通货膨胀更为严重 ,通货紧缩最坏的情况将导致经济崩溃。通过对历史上美国和日本通货紧缩的比较研究 ,可以看出证券市场与通货紧缩之间存在着互为因果的相互关系 ,发展和稳定证券市场对防治通货紧缩意义重大。因此 ,保持我国证券市场的稳定繁荣 ,对遏制我国当前通货紧缩趋势具有积极作用。
The economic situation in major countries and regions indicates that the world e conomy is facing a deflation crisis. In the long run, deflation is more harmful than inflation, for the former may cause economic collapse in extreme cases. A c omparative study of the past deflations in the U.S. and Japan shows that there i s a cause-and-effect correlation between securities market and deflation and tha t the development and stability of securities market is of great significance to deflation prevention and control. Maintaining the stability and prosperity of t he Chinese securities market, therefore, plays a positive role in curbing the pr esent deflationary tendency in China.
Journal of Guizhou College of Finance and Economics