美元化是当前国际金融领域广为关注的热点问题 ,在我国已经出现的美元化现象表现为“过程美元化”。开放条件下美元化对我国经济的发展既有积极影响也有负面影响。鉴于此 ,我国的外汇管理政策应做到趋利避害 ,充分释放适度美元化对我国经济发展的积极效应 ,减少和消除过度美元化的隐患 ,为实现人民币国际化的改革目标营造更好的市场环境。
Dollarization is a hot issue that attracts extensive attention in the internatio nal finance circles, and it has emerged in China as 'process dollarization'. U nder open-economy conditions, dollarization has both positive and negative effec ts on economic development in China. Therefore, the Chinese foreign exchange con trol policies should give full play to the positive effects of appropriate dolla rization on economic development, reduce and eliminate the pitfalls of excessive dollarization, and build a better market environment for fulfilling the reform objective of the internationalization of Renminbi.
Journal of Guizhou College of Finance and Economics