本文综述了燃气轮机技术和应用发展情况 ,介绍了几种典型的燃气轮机联合循环。提出燃气轮机具有提高发电效率和解决环保问题等方面的优越性。说明燃气轮机是本世纪电力工业发展的重要途径。尤其是国际公认的燃气 -蒸汽联合发电技术是 2
The paper describes primarily developing prospect and technique application of gas turbine, and introduces some typical combined cycle. Gas turbine has the advantage of improving generation efficiency and solving environmental protection problems. Gas turbine is an important way to develop electric industry this century, gasification combined cycle technique especially is well known to be the important aspect of energy development.
Journal of Anhui Electric Power College for Staff