AIM:Cochlear implant has been recognized as a very important tool in treating severely sensorial hearing impaired patients. It has been reported that some recipients had conserved part of their residual hearing although the other ones had lost all of theirs after cochlear implantation and a period of electrical stimulation of the cochlear. It has not been reported that the sole effect of cochlear implantation on residual hearing, especially in different frequencies. The goal of this work was to explore the influence of cochlear implantation on residual hearing in each frequency, and to provide an audiological criterion for the safety of cochlear implantation through the Nucleus straight electrodes.METHODS:Pre implant (within 2 weeks) and post implant(ranged: 23-45 days, means 31 days) audiometric evaluation had been done prior to switching on for 23 well cooperating Nucleus 24 M/24K recipients with normal inner and middle ears. There were 13 males and 10 females,4 post and 19 pre linguistic deaf included in this study.Their ages ranged from 4 to 41 years with an average age of 13 years.No response at the maximum output level was assigned as 5 dB HL more than this level in that frequency.Nonparametric statistics was chosen in the analyses of the change of residual hearing in different frequencies and based on contrasting post implant with pre implant residual hearing or contrasting implanted with the non implanted ear of the same recipient.RESULTS:8 of 20(40%) recipients had lost all measurable hearing but the other 12 (60%) recipients had conserved some measurable hearing after implantation. The implanted ears had an average 6-7 dB HL threshold drop and a highly statistic significance difference between pre and post implantation (P< 0.01) weather in 250 Hz, 500 Hz or 1 kHz,but had less than 1 dB HL threshold drop and no statistic significance between pre and post implantation(P >0.05) in weather 2,4 or 8 kHz as in every frequency of the control ears.CONCLUSION: Most of the implanted ears can conserve
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation