综述了菌物在森林生态系统中的功能和作用方面的研究进展 ,表明菌物是森林生态系统中不可忽视的重要组成部分 ,对森林生态系统的建立、演替、稳定、物质循环和能量流动等都具有重要的影响。菌物与植物的共生是植物起源和森林形成的基础 ,而且是森林健康发展的关键 ;菌物在森林中的分解作用和对土壤母岩的风化作用是生物地球化学循环的重要环节 ,且菌体本身是森林中的主要碳、氮汇成员 ;菌物多样性是森林物种多样性和生态稳定的决定因素之一 ,其多样性的丧失可以直接影响森林的生态系统乃至加剧地球的大气温室效应。
The recent advance of research on fungi in forest ecosystem is reviewe d in this paper. It is shown that fungi are important components in forest ecosy stem with their roles in establishing plant community, promoting succession of s pecies population, retaining forest ecosystem stability and participating in the flow of energy and nutrition. The early colonization of land by plants was asso ciated with fungi. Evidences have shown that the symbiosis between plants and fu ngi was established when the terrestrial life started. By co_evolution with plan ts, fungi are involved in the formation of the complex forest ecosystem. Mycorrh izae have apparently played an important role in the origin of terrestrial plant s and they are the key to the development of forest. Mycorrhizal fungi are cruci al not only to phosphorus uptake by plants, but also to other mineral nutrition. Decomposition of organic material and weathering of mine by fungi in forest con tribute greatly to the biogeochemical and nutrient cycles on earth. Large biomas s of fungi in forest forms important C and N sinks. Abundance and diversity of f ungi in forest has significant influences on biodiversity and stability of fores t community. Loss of fungal diversity may instable the forest ecosystem and, fur ther, aggravate the greenhouse effects of the world. Enforcing research on funga l roles in forest ecology will facilitate conservation and sustainable developme nt of forest and the forest ecological projects in China.
Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology
国家自然科学基金委员会"国家杰出青年基金"( 30 0 2 50 0 2 )
中国科学院"创新工程重要方向项目"(KSCX2_SW_10 1C)
Fungal biodiversity, Forest ecology, Forest conservat ion, Mycorrhiza