常量元素Na、P、K、CaCl、Mg和S对反刍动物是必不可少的 (Underwood 1981)。一种或几种必需元素的缺乏会影响绵羊的生长 ,导致机体代谢的紊乱。新疆大多数地区草场退化 ,饲料已不能满足放牧绵羊的生长需要 ,一年中大约有 7个月时间绵羊靠喂质量低下的饲料维持 ,干草中部分必需元素不能满足绵羊机体营养需要。本文研究的目的是研究牧草中常量元素在新疆五个种羊场不同季节的分布情况 。
Macro mineral such as Na, P, K, CaCl, Mg and S is absolutely necessarily for ruminants (Underwood 1981). Deficiency of one or some macro minerals can effect the growth of sheep and will result in metabolic disorder. The majority grassland of Xinjiang is deteriorated. The pasture can not supply enough feedstuff to grazing sheep, there are about 7 months feeding bad quality hay to sheep every year. Some macro mineral of hay can not satisfy the demand of the sheep growth. The aim of the study is to show the different among 5 farms in macro mineral distribution at different season and get solving methods.
Grass-Feeding Livestock