以大平山铜矿、天台山黄铁矿矿为例 ,阐述了该区的矿区、矿床地质及火山机构特征 ,并从成矿时间、空间及成因三个方面论述了矿床成矿与古火山机构的关系。
The north segment from Nanjing to Wuhu is an important metallogenic zone in Jiangsu and volcanic activities are rather acute. The copper deposit in Dapingshan and the pyrite deposit in Tiantaishan are cited as an example in the text in describing the geology and volcanic mechanism of the deposit and mining district. And the relationship between the mineralization of the deposit and the volcanic mechanism are expounded based on metallogenic time,space and origin,providing essential data and information for future research. [WT5HZ]
Jiangsu Geology