“空间技术揭示的古吉拉特地震的地球系统过程”国际研讨会于 2 0 0 3年 1月 2 7~ 2 9日在印度坎普尔举行。来自印度、美国、中国、德国和俄罗斯约 80位专家参加了该研讨会。会议收到约 70篇研究报告。文章介绍了会议概况、学术报告和专题辩论的情况。
The International Workshop on Earth System Processes Related to Gujarat Earthquake Using Space Technology was held in Kanpur,India on January 27-29,2003.About 80 experts from India, United States,China,Germany and Russia participated in the workshop. Som 70 presentations were arranged during the meeting.This report gives a brief introduction to the workshop,as well as the scientific problems being discussed during the technic sessinons and panel discussions.
Recent Developments in World Seismology