
鄂西土家族南剧起源研究 被引量:5

Research on the Origin of Tujia People's South Play in the West of Hubei Province
摘要 一说土家族南剧是由清初容美土司田舜年创办 ,但田舜年自幼随母所学之“音律”正是南剧 ,故此说不能成立。更多的文献表明至少在明朝万历年间田楚产就开始“采集戏歌 ,邀人戏歌 ,遂于庙台戏歌”。戏歌即为南剧的雏形。自此之后土家族南剧衍流后世 ,得以发展 ,为今天土家族中惟一能登台演出的地方剧种。 Somebody says a man named Tian shun-nian living in early qing dynasty established Tujia people's south play.But at his boyhood,the play,which he learned from his mother,was just called south play,therefore this point is not correct.More cultural heritages express that as early as in Wanli period of Ming Dynasty,Tian chu-chan began to collect manuscripts,and take the pedestal to invite persons to sing an opera.The manuscripts are the early forms of the south play.From that time on,Tujia people's south play handed down the generations,and developed to be the Tujia people's unique local play that can be performed on the stage today.
作者 田世高
出处 《中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第2期105-107,共3页 Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 土家族 南剧 起源 Tujia people South play origin
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