随着全球自由贸易的不断深化和全球绿色消费浪潮的兴起 ,一些发达国家为保护本国工业 ,借环保之名行贸易保护主义之实 ,筑起绿色壁垒 ,使我国外贸受到严重影响。只有跨越绿色壁垒 ,实施绿色营销 。
With the deepening of global free trade and with the rising of global green consumption,some developed countries practice trade protectionism on the pretext of environmental protection in order to proˉtect their own industry,which causes a serious influence on our foreign trade.For the continuous developˉment of our foreign trade we have to stride over the green barrier and to carry out green marketing.
Journal of Jianghan Petroleum University of Staff and Workers