2 0 0 2年 3月 2 6日 16时 ,辽宁省某村 4名青年村民在本村小卖店购买 4瓶“冰啤”饲料 ,当场开瓶饮用 ,2~ 10min后 4人相继出现恶心、呕吐、头晕、大汗、头部紧束感、呼吸急促等中毒症状。其中 1人病情较重 ,出现肌束震颤、四肢发麻、视物模糊、血压上升、语言不清等症状 ,经对症治疗后痊愈。根据病人的临床表现及实验室诊断 ,确认为急性灭多威 (methomyl)中毒。
On may 26,2002, 4 young peasants bought 4 bottles of beverage at a store in a village in Liaoning province where they lived. 2~10 minutes after drinking the beverage, the 4 persons fell ill. They reported nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sweating and short of breath. The worst one showed tremor, numbness in extemities, blurred vision, hypertension and delirium. They all recovered after symptomatic treatments. The food hygiene inspectors disclosed that it was a food poisoning resulted from methomyl contamination in the beverage which had been mistakenly diagnosed as parathion poisoning.
Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene