中世纪的经院哲学从根本上来说是关于神学的哲学 ,其世界观、价值观是建立在对虚无飘渺的上帝的信仰以及盲目崇拜之上的 ,其方法论也体现在对上帝的论证之中 ,繁琐、空洞、教条是其主要特征 ;但是经院哲学客观上起到了一种承上启下的作用 ,它对于理性与信仰、人性与道德、自由与必然等方面的论证给以后文艺复兴时期的哲学提供了丰富的素材 ,其中也有一些合理的成分 ,我们应该用批判。
The medieval scholasticism was basically the philosophy of theology. Its world outlook and values were established on the belief in the purely imaginary god and the blind worship of god, and its methodology is reflected on the proof of god, hence mostly overelaborate, empty and doctrinal. But, objectively, scholasticism played an important role of a connecting link. Its exposition of rationality and credibility, humanity and morality and liberty and necessity provided rich source material for the philosophy in the stage of renaissance. It contains some reasonable elements, which we should regard critically and adoptively.
Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education(Social Science)