目的 :了解活化血小板葡萄糖摄取过程及血小板膜整合素对其影响 ,探讨整合素与血小板能量代谢的关系 ,旨在研究血小板能量代谢涉及的信号传导 ,并为目前临床应用血小板膜糖蛋白Ⅱb/Ⅲa(GPⅡb/Ⅲa)单抗抗血小板活化提供新的理论依据。方法 :用液态闪烁计数方法检测在血小板膜糖蛋白Ⅱb/Ⅲa单抗 10E5及血小板整合素αυβ3 单抗 6 0 9干预与否情况下凝血酶激活后血小板摄取氚标 2 脱氧葡萄糖 ([3 H]2 DG)率。结果 :在生理浓度范围内活化血小板 [3 H]2 DG摄取率较静息时明显升高 ,单抗 10E5可充分阻断活化血小板葡萄糖摄取 ,单抗 6 0 9可部分阻断。结论 :整合素家族单抗可抑制血小板激活后葡萄糖摄取 ,提示其可能参与血小板能量代谢信号传导过程 。
Objective To study the signal transduction in the course of energy metabolism of platelets, and to provide a new theoretical basis for clinical apoilication of the anti activation of platelets by the monoantibody of integrin GPⅡb/Ⅲa. Methods With or without the block of integrin GPⅡb/Ⅲa monoantibody 10E5 and/or integrin α υβ 3 monoantibody 609, the uptake rate of tritium labeled 2 deoxyglucose(2 DG) by platelets activated by thrombin was counted in a liquid scintillation counter. The relationship between the energy metabolism of platelets and platelet integrin was investigated by the course of glucose uptake of individual vivo platelets. Results Compared with unactivated platelets, the glucose uptake of activated platelets increased, and it could be blocked by monoantibody 10E5 and partly blocked by 609. Conclusion The glucose uptake of activated platelets can be suppressed by monoantibody 10E5, and the intergrin family is associated with the signal transduction of platelet energy metabolism. Integrin GPⅡb/Ⅲa may play an important role in the procedure of platelet energy metabolism.
Bulletin of Hunan Medical University
国家自然科学基金(3 983 0 180 )资助