目的 观察沙丁胺醇雾化溶液 (商品名 :全乐宁雾化溶液 )、异丙托溴胺雾化吸入液 (商品名 :爱全乐雾化吸入液 )联合雾化吸入 ,对支气管哮喘的治疗作用。方法 3 6例中、重度支气管哮喘发作期患者随机分成两组 :治疗组 16例 ,对照组 2 0例 ,在其他常规治疗相同的基础上 ,治疗组采用全乐宁雾化溶液 0 .5ml+爱全乐雾化吸入液 2 .5ml,用生理盐水配成 5ml溶液每日 3次氧气雾化吸入。对照组采用喘乐宁气雾剂每次 2 0 0 μg ,每日 3次或每日 4次喷吸 ,直到患者咳、喘及肺内哮鸣音基本消失。测量两组患者首次用药后 1秒钟用力呼气容积 (FEV1)、用力肺活量(FVC)改善率及入院第 4日晨FEV1、FVC ;记录咳、喘明显缓解 ,肺内喘鸣音基本消失时间。结果 治疗组咳、喘显著缓解时间为 (2 .93± 0 .85 )天 ,喘鸣音基本消失时间为 (5 .5 8± 2 .94)天 ;对照组分别为 (3 .90± 1.5 3 )天、(7.2 1± 3 .75 )天 ,两组相比差异有显著性意义 (P <0 .0 5 )。首次雾化后治疗组FEV1、FVC改善率分别为 (19.2 5 2± 10 .2 93 ) %和(2 2 .0 5 1± 13 .40 0 ) % ;对照组为 (10 .113± 7.2 45 ) %和 (9.972± 4.876) % ,两组相比差异有显著性意义 (P <0 .0 1)。第 4日晨两组FEV1、FVC分别为 (1.3 3 5± 0 .466)L、(2 .0 73± 0 .62 9)
Objective To survey the curative effect of using aerosol inhalant Atrovent and Ventolin together to cure asthma.Methods Thirty six moderate or severe asthma patients were divided into two groups at random. Treatment group 16 patients,control group 20 patients. Based on the same treatment of others,treatment group used Ventolin 0.5 ml+Atrovent 2.5 ml aerosol inhalant by oxygen together twice a day,control group used Ventolin inhaler 200 μg inhalant twice a day or four times a day,till cough gasping remitted obviously, wheezing disappeared. Improvement rate was measured after the first therapy and the fourth day morning FEV 1,FVC. Results In treatment group, the cough time relieving, gasping remission obvious and wheezing disappearance were ( 2.93 ± 0.85 ) d , ( 5.58 ± 2.94 )d.Control group was ( 3.90 ± 1.53 ) d,( 7.21 ± 3.75 ) d. The differences are significant between the two groups (P< 0.05 ).Treatment group had the improvement rate of FEV 1,FVC ( 19.252 ± 10.291 ) % ,( 22.051 ± 13.400 ) %.Control group had ( 10.113 ± 7.245 ) %, ( 9.972 ± 4.876 ) %. The differences were significant between the two groups (P< 0.01 ). The fourth day morning treatment group had FEV 1,FVC ( 1.355 ± 0.446 ) L, ( 2.073 ± 0.679 ) L.Control group had ( 1.184 ± 0.368 )L, ( 1.676 ± 0.537 )L.The differences were significant between the two groups (P< 0.05 ).Treatment group was higher than control group.Conclusion The treatment of using aerosol inhalant Atrovent and Ventolin together has good curative effects.
Clinical Focus