本文报道胡瓜钝绥螨AmblyseiuscucumerisOudemans在 2 5℃条件下以毛竹 4种害螨南京裂爪螨chizotetranychusnanjingensisMa&Yuan、竹裂爪螨S .bambusaeReck、竹缺爪螨AponychuscorpuzaeRimando、竹刺瘿螨AculusbambusaeKuang为猎物的实验种群生命表 ,并进行比较结果表明 :①胡瓜钝绥螨能取食上述 4种害螨 ,其世代存活率依次为 90 4%、77 5 5 %、 87 93%、 81 63% ;②每雌总产卵量依次为 38 1 2粒、 45 77粒、 35 5 9粒、 30 76;③胡瓜钝绥螨以南京裂爪螨为猎物其净增殖率R0 =1 6 74低于南京裂爪螨 (R0 =2 0 84) ,但是内禀增长率rm=0 1 5 4是猎物的 1 73倍 (rm=0 0 89) ,世代周期T =1 8 31和种群倍增时间t=4 5 0 88均低于南京裂爪螨 (T =33 35 ,t=7 70 4 ) ,因此在林间当南京裂爪螨离巢、破巢或大量迁移时能有效地控制其种群增长 ;④胡瓜钝绥螨以竹裂爪螨为猎物其净增殖率R0 =2 5 81 ,内禀增长率rm=0 1 5 2 ,周限增长率λ =1 1 64均低于竹裂爪螨 (R0 =39 2 8、rm=0 1 92、λ =1 2 1 2 ) ,而世代周期T =2 1 35种群倍增时间t=4 5 5 2均高于竹裂爪螨 (T =1 9 0 8,t=3 60 3)因此必须在竹裂爪螨处于低密度时释放胡瓜犯绥螨才能有效地控制其种群密度的增长 ;⑤胡瓜钝绥螨以竹裂爪螨为猎物时 。
In this paper we first report that fecundity, survival and experiment population life table of Amblyseius cucumeris (Oudemans)feeding on Schizotetranychus nanjingensis Ma & Yun, S.bambusae Reck, Aponychus corpuzae Rimando, Aculus bambusae Kuang. As a result were showed that:(1)the survival rate of A. cucumeris were 90 47%,77 55%,87 93%,81 63% when it feeding on S.nanjingensis, S.bambusae,A.corpuzae, A.bambusae; (2)the fecundity number of per female of A.cucuneris were 38 12,45 77,35 59,30 75;(3)the net reproductive rate R 0 per generation of A.cucuneris (16 74) was lower than those in it's prey S.nanjingensis(20 84), the intrisic rate of natural increase r m/ day and finite rate of increase λ of A.cucumeris (0 154 and 1 166) were higher than it's prey S.nanjingensis(r m=0 089,λ=1 094); (4)the net reproductive rate R 0 per generation of A.cucumeris (20 80)was lower than it's prey A.corpuzae (21 54).The intrinsic rate of natural increase r m and finite rate of increase λ 0 of A.cucumeris (0 175 and 1 191) were also lower than those of A.corpuzae (r m=0 185,λ=1 202, Table 5-2-17);(5)the net reproductive rate R 0 per generation, intrinsic rate of natural increase r m and finite rate of increase λ in A.cucumeris (R 0=25 81,r m=0 152,λ=1 164) were lower than those in it's prey S.bambusae (r m=39 28,r m=0 192,λ=1 212) ;(6)the net reproductive R 0 per generation of A.cucumeris feeding on A.bambusae (16 82)was lower than those feeding on A.corpuzae (20 80) and S.bambusae (25 81).The intrinsic rate of natural increase r m of A.cucumeris (0 144)feeding of A.bambusae was lower than those feeding on S.nanjingensis (0 154), A.corpuzae (0 175)and S.bambusae (0 152). Comparisons of A.cucumeris population parameters among 3 species spider mites and a rust mite showed that A.cucumeris was affected by prey species difference. Th
Natural Enemies of Insects
日本文部省国际合作项目JSPS ( 1 35 70 2 1 )
新西兰科学与技术委员会资助项目 (C0 961 7)
Amblyseius cucumeris (Oudemans)
Pest mites of moso bamboo
Experiment population life table