目的 分析武汉市 1990~ 2 0 0 0年 10年间人口在数量和质量上的变化情况及其变化原因 ,综合评估武汉市各区的人口发展与控制工作。方法 以描述性研究方法说明武汉市 1990~ 2 0 0 0年 10年间人口数量上的发展变化 ,通过生命素质指数 (PQLI)描述人口质量上的发展变化 ,采用主成分综合评价法综合评价武汉市各区近 10年来的人口发展变化情况。结果 近 10年来 ,武汉市人口自然增长率由 14 2 5‰下降至 1 95‰ ,出生率由 19 71‰下降至7 0 9‰ ,粗死亡率由 5 46‰下降至 5 14‰ ,PQLI指数由 85 61上升至 90 19。结论 武汉市的人口增长模式已经转变为低出生、低死亡、低增长的三低模式 ,人口质量呈现大幅度的提高 ;
Objective To analyze the change of quantity and quality of population and its influencing factors.To make a comprehensive evaluation on the work of population development and population contorl from 1990 to 2000 in Wuhan city.Methods To declare the quantity and the quality of population with descriptive analysis method and PQLI method respectively.To synthetically evaluate the work both quantity and quality by principal component method.Results From 1990 to 2000,the growing rate of population was from 14.25‰ to 1.95‰.The birth rate was from 19.71‰ to 7.09‰.The crude mortality rate was from 5.46‰ to 5.14‰.The PQLI was from 85.61 to 90.19.Conclusion The model of population development was low birth rate,low mortality rate and low growing rate.Population quality rose greatly.The gap of population quality between town and country still existed.
Chinese Journal of Public Health