对铁线莲属铁线莲亚属Clematissubgen .Clematis中的欧洲铁线莲C .vitalbaL .演化干的原始群威灵仙组sect.Clematis进行了全面修订 ,确定此组共含有 73种和 45变种。写出了威灵仙组的分类学简史及地理分布 ;对威灵仙组中各亚组的亲缘和主要区别特征以及铁线莲亚属欧洲铁线莲演化干中各群的亲缘关系进行了讨论。将威灵仙组分为 5个亚组 ,写出了分亚组检索表和各亚组的分种检索表 ,以及各种植物的形态描述、地理分布、生长环境等 ,并附有多幅插图。在 5亚组中 ,欧洲铁线莲亚组 (钝萼铁线莲亚组 )subsect.Clematis为此组的原始群 ,其主要特征 :藤本 ;小叶通常草质或纸质 ,通常边缘具齿 ,有时全缘 ;萼片 4,外面的毛长 1mm以下 ;花药长圆形、椭圆形或狭长圆形 ,稀条形 ,药隔顶端不突起 ,稀稍突起。此亚组的瘦果两侧扁压 ,但多数不扁平 ,不具边缘 ,只在短毛铁线莲C .puberulaHook .f.&Thoms.强烈扁压 ,扁平 ,周围具宽边缘。在铁线莲属中 ,除短毛铁线莲外 ,特产朝鲜的C .brachyuraMax im .(sect.PterocarpaTamura)也具有近似这种进化类型的瘦果。铁线莲组的其他 4个亚组各含有较进化的特征 ,可能均自欧洲铁线莲亚组演化而出 :单种的厚叶铁线莲亚组subsect.Crassifoliae (Tamura)Tamura为藤本 ;小叶革质 ,全缘 ,
Clematis sect. Clematis is revised in this paper. Seventy-three species and 45 varieties are recognized. They are keyed, described, and Illustrated in some cases, and are classified into five subsections. Brief taxonomic history and geographical distribution of the section are. given, and the relationships of its subsections and with its close allies of the C. vitalba evolutionary stock of the subgenus Clematis are discussed. Main taxonomic changes are made as follows: (1) C. lanci- folia Bur. & Franch., C. songarica Bunge, C. ispahanica Boiss., C. delavayi Franch. and C. phlebantha Williams, which have been previously regarded to be close to C. fruticosa Turcz. and its allies, and placed in sect. Fruticella Tamura by Tamura and some other authors, are here transferred to subsect. Augustifoliae Tamura according to the floral structure. (2) The existence of intermediate forms between the C. vitalba group and the C. flammula group indicates that these two groups are closely related to each other and should not be treated as two sections or even two subgenera. They are treated as two subsections within sect. Clematis. Two series, six species, and one variety are described as new, and five new ranks are made.
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica
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