In view of the problem of image magnification,this paper establishes the vector filling amplification model.And fill the zoom model can't deal with complex vector quantization for image shortcomings,using the adjacent interpolation method,bilinear interpolation method,double three interpolation method of three different algorithms are compared.And integrated the above four models,the following conclusion is gotten:fill amplification vector quantization model suitable for simple images,vector quantization can be unlimited amplifier,and does not affecting the imaging.Three models based on interpolation algorithm,the neighboring method model algorithm is simple,small amount of calculation,fast processing speed,but after processing the image will appear block effect,cause blurred images.Bilinear interpolation model overcame the neighboring method processing image block effect problem,compared the calculation method of double three simple,but the edge structure will be affected,produce the outline of the fuzzy phenomenon.Double three interpolation model to solve the disadvantages of the above two kinds of algorithm,the calculation accuracy is high,with the effect of edge enhancement,can better keep the image structure,but the large amount of calculation.
Computer & Digital Engineering
vector filling
adjacent interpolation method
bilinear interpolation method
double three interpolation method