目的 对骨间后神经终末支进行解剖学研究为临床提供理论依据。方法 在放大 10~ 16倍的视野下 ,观测 3 6侧成人上肢标本中骨间后神经终末支在前臂后区、腕后区的行径、分支、分布及其毗邻关系。结果 骨间后神经终末支在前臂支配伸腕、伸指等肌肉和尺、桡骨背侧骨膜。在腕部支配指伸肌腱腱周组织、腕背关节囊、腕背韧带及滑膜组织、骨间背侧肌肌膜和第三第四掌骨背侧的骨膜 ;并与尺神经深支有交通支。结论 骨间后神经终末支是支配腕后区和手背深层组织的重要感觉神经 。
Objective To investigate the microsurgery anatomy study of the end part of the posterior interosseous nerve and provide a theory basis for clinical practice. Methods Thirty six adult cadavers of the upper extremity were involved in the study. The course, branches, distribution and its adjacent relationship of the end part of the posterior interosseous nerve were observed under 10~16 fold microscope. Results The end part of the posterior interosseous nerve innervated the area of extensor muscles of the wrist and finger and the dorsal periosteum of the ulna and radial bone. At the wrist the innervation areas included tissues surrounding the digital extensor tendon, joint capsule and ligament of the dorsal wrist, synovial membrane, the myolemma of the dorsal interosseous muscle and the dorsal periosteum of the 3rd,4th metacarpal bone. There was communicating branch connecting with the deep branch of ulna nerve. Conclusion The end part of the posterior interosseous nerve is an important sensory nerve that innervated the dorsal wrist and the deep tissues of dorsal hand, injury of which may cause pain of dorsal wrist.
Chinese Journal of Hand Surgery
Peripheral nerves
Pain of dorsal wrist
Distal posterior interosseous nerve