人们在深化对劳动和劳动价值论的研究和认识过程中存在着曲解马克思主义劳动和劳动价值论的几种情况 :认为马克思劳动价值论中的劳动是单指体力劳动 ,认为创造价值的劳动不包括科技劳动 ,认为马克思把管理劳动排除在创造价值的劳动之外 ,认为马克思否认非物质生产领域劳动能创造价值。
There are some misinterpretations of Marxist theory of labor value among people in their further recognizing labor and the theory of labor value. First, they think that the value created by labor only refers to physical labor. Second, they think that the labor value does not include scientific work. Third, they think that Marx excluded the management of labor from the labor that creates value. Fourth, they think that Marx denied that the labor in non-material production world could create value.
Journal of Zhanjiang Ocean University