
一战后美日外交理念的转变及其对两国关系的影响 被引量:1

The Evolution of American and Japanese Diplomatic Concepts and Its Influence on the Relationship between the Two Countries after World War Ⅰ
摘要 第一次世界大战后,国际格局发生了重大变化,美日关系在远东地区的重要性日益凸显,而两国关系又在很大程度上为两国外交理念所左右。战后初期,美国外交充满了自由主义因素,日本的外交则深受现实主义的影响并富有进攻性。受此影响,美日两国在太平洋岛屿问题和中国问题上分歧严重,双边关系也随之恶化。共和党政府上台后,现实主义开始主导美国外交,而日本迫于内外环境的压力,其外交更多地展现出防御性现实主义的色彩,积极与美国改善关系。这种外交理念的变化使得两国协调一致并解决了诸多争议性问题,促成了双边关系的缓解。 After World War I,great changes had taken place in the international structure and the importance of the relationship between the United States and Japan was growing in the Far East and Pacific regions. The relationship between two countries was heavily affected by the diplomatic Concepts of the two countries. In Early Post-war Era,American diplomacy was full of factors of liberalism,while Japanese diplomacy was deeply affected by realism,which was more aggressive. Affected by this,the United States and Japan were divided on the Pacific Islands issue and China issue, thus relations between the two countries deteriorated. After the Republican government came to power,American diplomacy was led by realism,and at the same time,under the pressure of domestic and international situation,Japan,which played in offensive position,and whose diplomacy showed more defensive realism,actively improved relations with the United States. The Changes in the diplomatic concepts promoted rapid coordination between the two countries,and contributed to the solution of a number of key issues,which eased bilateral relations.
作者 戴宇 石瑜珩 DAI Yu;SHI Yu-hang
出处 《吉林大学社会科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期199-208,224,共11页 Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题委托项目(14JZDW006) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(16JJDGJW006)
关键词 美日关系 巴黎和会 华盛顿会议 外交理念 自由主义 现实主义 US-Japan relations Paris Peace Conference Washington Conference notion of diplomacy liberalism realism
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