通过调查研究,确诊兰州地区多年生黑麦草、草地早熟禾、高羊茅3种主要草坪草的植物病原真菌主要是Pucciniastriiformiss,P recondita,Sclerophthoramacrospora,Fusariumgramineaum,F oxysporum,Pythiumgraminicola,Erysiphegraminis,RhizoctoniaSolani,DrechsleraPoae,Curvalarialunata,Septoriatritici,Scolecotrichumgraminis10属12种。其所致病害有29种,其中8种国内未见报道,16种甘肃省内属首次报道,17种兰州地区属首次报道。并简要描述了病害症状特点。
After investigation, the authors have made a definite diagnosis to plant pathogeny fungi of three major kinds of turf grass include Lolium Perenne L, Poa Pralensis Land Festuca arundinacea Shreb, which belong to 10 genus and 12 kinds They are named : Puccinia striiformiss West, Precondita Rob et Desm, Sclerophthora macrospora(Sacc)Thirum,Fusarium gramineaum Schwabe,Foxysporum Schlecht, Pythium graminicola Subram,Erysiphe graminis DC,Rhizoctonia Solani Kuhn,Drechslera Poae(Drechs) Shoem, Curvalaria lunata(Wakker) Boedijn, Septoria tritici Rob, Scolecotrchum graminis FCKL All of them can cause 29 kinds of diseases, among which , 8 of them have not been reported in China, 16 of them reported first time in Gansu Province, 1 of them reported firstly in Lanzhou area The paper described the main symptoms and distinguishing features of the diseases mentioned above
Pratacultural Science