对ABT生根粉3号在中华野海棠野生苗移栽中所起的作用进行分析,得出15 ~ 45mg/kg的ABT生根粉3号溶液与泥混合成浆蘸根后定植,能极显著提高移栽成活率,其中使用浓度为15mg/kg的ABT生根粉3号溶液效果最佳,成活率可达92.50%.
Analysis on effect of ABT-3 on transplantation of wild Bredia sinensis seedling resulted that it could increase survival rate of seedlings whose root dipped in solution of ABT-3 mixed with mud before transplantation. The concentration of ABT-3 had the best result with 15mg/kg, the survival rate topped 92.5%.
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology