It has been forty years that pituitary destruction treats cancer pain. Transsphenoidal radiofreqency thermocoagulation foi relief of cancer pain has not boon rep orted. The study reports theraputic results of 5 patients by this method. All patients were female, age:32—52 years old. 2 of 3 cases of breast cancer had metastases of axillary nodes. The anoter had metastasis of humerus bone.1 cases of thyroid carcinoma invloved cranial bone. 1 cases of ovarian cancer metastisized peritoneum. All patients didnt effect to drug or anesthetic therapv. Patient was in a supine position. Transsphenoidal puncture reached sphenoidal sinuns'sellar floor and anterior lobe of pituitary gland. Radiofreqency thermocoagulation (80℃) lasted 120 seconds. According to Lioyd'seore, theraputic excellent in 4'good in l. 3 of 5 cases had metastatic tumor regression.Therewere no complication of insipidus'CSF leak, meningitis' plasy and diplopia. This article also discussed mechanism of pain relief. Author thinks the management it tafe, simple and unexpensive.thereputic resluts are satisfactory.The method should be first selected to treat pain of endocrinerelying carcinoma.