Autonomous aerial robotics has become a hot direction ofresearch inside the community of robotics and control. Theprimary problem addressed by formation control is to steermultiple aerial robots to form desired geometric patterns and,at the same time, realize desired collective swarming behaviorsin a decentralized or distributed manner. In contrast toground vehicles, aerial robots have the ability to work inthree-dimensional (3D) airspace. Equipped with electric orhydraulic motors, the vertical take-off and landing (VTOL)capability is a typical performance of aerial robots. Formationcontrol technology for such aerial robots is incessantlyspringing up to satisfy the requirements of highly intelligentautonomous systems, which affects both military and civilareas, including missile defense, battlefield surveillance,satellite network construction, fire suppression, power gridinspection, commercial show, etc. [1–5]. Such a problem ofmultiple aerial robots formation control is exceptionallychallenging to analyze if practical constraints such as complexdynamics, motion constraints, and imperfect measurementsare incorporated.
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.61673327,51606161,11602209,91441128)
the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province,China(Grant No.2016J06011)