电子设计自动化EDA是现在电子信息类设计人员必用软件,Altium Designer又是其中一款功能强大的应用软件。要通过它设计出真正性能稳定的印制电路板PCB,需要不断地练习和累积。文中通过实例描述了Altium Designer10绘制原理图和生成PCB的详细过程,并给出一些设计PCB过程中容易出错的地方和器件布局中会遇到的问题,总结具体经验供相关人员参考。
Electronic design automation is now electronic information designers will use the software,Altium Designer and application software which is a powerful. Use it to design a truly stable performance of the printed circuit board,requires constant practice and accumulation. This paper illustrated the detailed process of Altium Designer10 schematics and PCB generation,and gives will meet the wrong place and device layout problem easier to design PCB process,sum up the specific experience reference for the related personnel.