主要解决了如下问题 :对于从河流 L取水并输送到 L同岸的两个用水点 A,B的输水工程(图 1) ,当修建各段输水管道的耗资系数分别为 k1,k2 ,k3 时 ,如何确定抽水点 P及分水点 O才能使加权和值w =k1OA+ k2 OB+ k3OP为最小 .
We solve a problem of the optimum outlay of a water pipeline. The transport project carry water from a river denoted as L to A and B, which are two places on the same side of the river. The problem is to design a pipeline to make the transport cost w=k 1OA+k 2OB+k 3OP the least.
College Mathematics