[目的 ]以杨浦区某街道居民为代表 ,了解上海市居民对于饮用水问题的认知、日常的饮用水类型和饮用习惯 ,并进行对三种有代表性的饮用水的水质分析。 [方法 ]于 2 0 0 1年 4~ 5月对杨浦区某街道 5 0 0户居民进行入户问卷调查。 [结果 ]目前杨浦区某街道居民饮用水类型主要有自来水、桶装水和净化器净化后的自来水 ,三种饮用水的水质不同。有 61 75 %的家庭关心饮用水质量问题 ,有 5 6 68%的居民已经或打算采取措施改善饮用水水质。半数以上的居民日常饮用自来水 ,饮用桶装水的居民占 3 6 86% ,其中大部分饮用市售纯水或蒸馏水。净水器和饮水机普遍缺乏维护 ,可能带来新的卫生问题。 [结论 ]人们对于有关饮用水的专业知识仍有待普及 。
In order to study the citizens knowledge of drinking water,the type of drinking water and their habits of drinking,a survey was carried out in one community of Yang Pu district in Shanghai,and three typical kinds of drinking water were analyzed . During April and May,an interview was carried out and the members of the community were asked to fill a questionnaire on drinking water. Tap water,filtrated tap water and bottled water were typical kinds of drinking water in routine life,and the characters of these three kinds of drinking water were different. 61 75% and 56 68%of the families in this community concerned and attended to improve the quality of their drinking water,respectively. More than half of the people drank tap water,and 36 68% people drank bottled water and most of them drank pure water or distilled water sold on market. It seemed that the water filter and the machines eliciting the water were lack of maintenance,which may lead to other hygienic problems. Its also found that most people chose their drinking water mainly depending on the information from advertisment on all kinds of media. [Conclusion] Special information on drinking water needs to be given to the community.It would lead to different health effects if the citizens chose different kinds of drinking water.
Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
drinking water
type of drinking water
drinking habit
water analysis