目的 :检测四种钛植入体表面在细胞培养液中诱导生成磷灰石的能力及形貌特征。方法 :直径 15mm钝钛片打磨至 6 0 0目 ,进行以下处理 :①单纯光滑钛片 ;②钛片粗化处理 ,采用喷砂 +酸蚀法 ;③光滑钛片 +碱热处理 ;④粗化钛片 +碱热处理。以上四种表面之钛片分别浸入DMEM +10 %FCS细胞培养液中 ,分别于第 6、12、18、2 4天取出一组钛片 ,扫描电镜观擦表面形貌 ,能谱分析仪分析表面元素组成比例。对 2 4d时钛片用X射线衍射仪分析表面组分。结果 :在各时间点的光滑表面及单纯粗化表面均未见磷灰石形成 ,而在经碱热处理的实验组中 ,第6天时在碱热处理形成的网孔中可见磷灰石的形核的形成。粗化表面 +碱热处理组形核为纳米级的针状结晶物 ,随时间增长 ,形核逐渐长大成密集球状物 ;光滑 +碱热处理组表面为颗粒状形核。粗化表面 +碱热处理组较光滑钛片 +碱热处理组Ca、P沉积速度快 ,对第 2 4天时经碱热处理试样XRD分析表明 ,表面沉积物主要为羟基磷灰石。结论 :在含血清的细胞培养液中浸泡后 ,经碱热处理的钛表面显示了明显的诱导磷灰石沉积能力。表面沉积物成分为羟基磷灰石 ,粗化
Objective:To produce four kinds of titanium implant surfaces and to evaluate its ability of inducing apatite formation in simulated body fluid.Methods:Pure titanium disc(φ15mm) was got and four kinds of surface treatment were applied:①smooth surface(S), only polished with sand paper to 600 grind.②rough surface(R), smooth titanium discs were sandblasted and etched with acid.③smooth alkali-heated surface (SAH).④rough alkli-heated surface (RAH). The four groups of discs were socked in DMEM+10% FCS. In the 6th, 12th, 18th and 24th day, one disc from each group was got and analyzed with SEM and EDX. Furthermore, the 24th day SAH and RAH discs were analyzed by XRD.Results:No apatite formed on the S and R group in all time period. But apatite core appeared in the 6th day on SAH and RAH group. The core of RAH group was nanoscale needle like crystal. The cores became many tiny spheres with time and finally became larger spheres and then they fused to rough plane with cracks. While in SAH group, the core was little grind, they fused into a block at last. The apatite deposition speed of on RAH group was more faster that that of SAH group. It was mainly consisted of HA with XRD analysis.Conclusions:The alkali and heat-treated surface can induce HA formation in the simulated body fluid (DMEM+10%FCS). The HA deposited on RHA is nanophase needle like crystal and the deposition speed is faster than that of SHA.
Journal of Oral Science Research
军队 95重点课题 (编号 :96z0 49)
Titanium Implant Alkaline and heat treatment Simulated body fluid Apatite