目的 :探讨牙源性钙化囊肿的临床表现 ,分型和治疗。方法 :对1969~1998年本院收治34例牙源性钙化囊肿的临床表现 ,X线影像 ,手术方式 ,临床分型进行分析。结果 :牙源性钙化囊肿常以无痛性包块就诊(25/34) ,X线片常有点、片和团块状阴影(15/34) ,或含牙(13/34) ;治疗以刮除(25/34)和颌骨切除(6/34)为主。结论 :牙源性钙化囊肿的诊断X线片仅为参考 ,不论各型的确诊最终都靠病理 。
Objective:To study the clinical menifestations,classifications and treatment of calcifying odontogenic cyst(COC).Methods:34 cases of COC were reviewed and analysed. Results:Of the 34 COC,their major manifestation is painless Progressive enlargemental maxillofacial boss(25/34),x_ray manifestats spotty or blocky calcifying image or tooth.Pure cysts may depend on scaling in treatment,if not,should do resection. Conclusion:The results indicate that the diagnosis of COC can't almost depend on x-ray,it's only a reference,ultimate diagnosis only depends on pathology,surgical treatment is the exclusive choice.
Journal of Modern Medicine & Health