Coesite-bearing ultrahigh-pressure mineral inclusions were identified in zircons from most granitic gneisses, all paragneisses, amphibolites, kyanite quartzites and marbles in the Sulu terrane. The UHP mineral inclusion assemblages are characterized by coesite? phengite in zircons from granitic gneisses, coesite + garnet + om-phacite, coesite? garnet+ jadeite +phengite + apatite and coesite+ phengite?apatite in zircons from paragneisses, coesite + garnet+ omphacite?rutile in zircons from amphibolites, coesite + kyanite + rutile + apatite and coesite + kyanite + phengite + rutile in zircons from kyanite quartzites, and coesite + diopside and coesite + olivine in zircons from marbles. These evidences suggest that voluminous continental materials, consisting mainly of protoliths of eclogite and country rocks were commonly subjected to deep subduction and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism, and then rapidly returned to the earth's surface. In general, the distribution of mineral inclusions in zircons and cathodoluminescence images of zircons from the same zircon sample displays distinct zonings from core to rim. Some zircon grains can be genetically correlated with inherited (detrital) core (C), UHP metamorphic mantle (M) and retrogressive rim (R), some with UHP metamorphic core and mantle, and retrogressive rim, and still some with subduction core, UHP metamorphic mantle and retrogressive rim. These data indicate that the complex growth-evolution histories were preserved in zircons from all metamorphic rocks in the Sulu terrane. Cathodoluminescence images reveal irregular zoning patterns and various thicknesses of cores, mantles and rims. The abundance of inclusions complicates the conventional U-Pb age dating; therefore, the SHRIMP microspot U-Pb analyses are essential for protolith, ultrahigh-pressure and retrogressive age dating.
Acta Geologica Sinica
国家重大科学工程项目"中国大陆科学钻探工程"(编号 2000409)
国家自然科学基金(编号 49832030)