近 5 0年来 ,随着水土资源开发利用规模的不断扩大 ,西北干旱区的工农业与经济得到了快速发展 ,但同时也引发了一系列的环境问题。如河流下游水量锐减 ,甚至断流 ,泉水资源衰减 ;地下水超采 ,地下水位持续下降 ;水质恶化 ;土壤次生盐渍化、沙漠化严重等。文章在详细分析中国西北干旱区水资源的特征以及水资源不合理开发利用所引发的环境问题的基础上 ,认为实行流域水资源统一规划与管理 ,发展新绿洲 ,建立高效节水型农业是实现我国西北干旱区水资源可持续利用的根本途径。
During the late 50 years, the large scale utilization of water resources has not only facilitated the development of agricultural and industrial economy but also resulted in very serious impacts on eco_environment in the arid area, for example the runoff courses of most rivers were shortened, the water quality became worsened, soil salinization and desertification became more and more serious. This paper put forward the countermeasures of sustainable utilization of water resources on the basis of analyzing the characteristics of the water resources and the problems of environment caused by development and utilization of water resources irrationally.
Areal Research and Development