目的 探讨降低早产儿的死亡率。方法 回顾分析 10 8例医源性早产的原因 ,比较不同干预措施对围生儿结局的影响。结果 重度妊高征和妊娠合并心脏病为引起医源性早产的最常见原因。在有规律产前检查的病例中 ,新生儿死亡率明显降低。有计划地在孕 3 0周后羊膜腔内应用促胎肺成熟药物 ,产后加强新生儿护理 ,可降低早产儿并发症和死亡率。结论 对于不可避免的医源性早产 ,规律的产前检查和适当的诊治能够取得良好的妊娠结局。
Objective To investigate how to reduce morbidity and mortality of premature infants.Methods The causes of 108 cases of iatrogenic preterm labor were analyzed retrospectively,and the effects of different kinds of treatment on pregnant results were studied.Results The most common causes of iatrogenic preterm delivery were severe pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome and pregnancy with cardiovascular disease.The neonatal mortality was lowered in the cases with antenatal care.The complications and the mortality of the premature infants were reduced if glucocorticoids could be used intra amniotic sac after 30 gestational weeks and intensive care after birth would be taken.Conclusion Antenatal care and proper treatment may get a better pregnant result in the inevitable iatrogenic preterm delivery.
Chinese Journal of Practical Gynecology and Obstetrics