通过对助磨介质作用下不同粉磨细度的旋窑熟料所配制的硅酸盐水泥的物理性能检测,对助磨介质作用下旋窑熟料的微细化效果进行了评价。结果表明,对水泥熟料来说,早期的快速水化不一定能得到高强度的水泥,因此熟料微细化的评价要从水化性能和粉磨能耗上综合考虑,在实验中,旋窑熟料的最佳粉磨细度为5 000m2/g,而加入助磨剂可显著降低粉磨能耗,在达到同样效果时缩短25%的粉磨时间。
The size reduction process of rotary kiln clinker with grinding aids and its hydration properties were explored and the effect of the size reduction was estimated by hydration properties of cement mortar. For cement clinker, rapid hydration at early age is not always helpful to obtain high strength cement. The evaluation of effect of clinker's size reduction should be based on the combination of cement properties and grinding energy consumption. In this work, the most appropriate fineness of rotary clinker was found to be about 5000 m2/g Blaine,and the use of grinding aids may reduce duration of grinding by 25% for reaching the projected fineness.
Journal of Nanjing Tech University(Natural Science Edition)