本文描述跗线螨属一新种.该新种与Tarsonemus waitei(Banks,1912)很相似,但新种T.maximus依其特别大的体形(长320μm,宽172μm)和跗节Ⅱ上所生的TaBβ、后体背板上的e毛(≥10μm)和h毛(25~30μm)长于d毛(14~15μm)和/毛(18μm)、前体背板上无表皮内突以及月牙形的腹板突(Tegula)等特征易与T.waitei及本属其它已知种相区别。
This paper describes and illustrates the female adult of the new species Tavsonemus maximus. The species is similar to T. waitei ( Banks, 1912)^([1,4]), but differs from the latter in having much larger bodysize (length 320μm, width 172μm) and the Solenidia Taβ^([3,5]) on tarsus II; Prodorsal shield without prodorsal apodeme; Setaee^([1.2]) (ca 40 μm ) and h ( 25~30μm) are longer then setae d (ca 14~5μm) and f(ca 18μm).The shape of tegula is different in both species. The female holotype and 3 paratypes were collected from Germany at Graach on leaves of the grape, 26, June 1990 by Zhang Xinhu.
Journal of Gansu Agricultural University