目的 :探讨两种短效催眠药唑吡坦和三唑仑对人体前庭功能的影响 ,为在应急条件下对飞行员服用该药提供试验依据。方法 :8名受试者 ,采用三阶段交叉双盲给药设计方法 ,分别交叉服用三唑仑 (0 .2 5mg)、唑吡坦 (10mg)、安慰剂 ,每次间隔 1周 ,在服药前 1h及服药后1、2、3、4、6、8、10h分别进行一组前庭功能测试 ,包括视动性眼震 (OKN)、前庭眼动反射 (VOR)、前庭眼动反射固视抑制 (VOR -Fix)、视前庭眼动反射 (VVOR)。结果 :与安慰剂组比较 ,服用唑吡坦和三唑仑后均能显著降低VOR、OKN、SPT增益 ,在服药 2h后降到最低〔VOR :(0 .5 1± 0 .0 4 ) ,(0 .5 2± 0 .0 5 )vs (0 .6 7± 0 .13) ;OKN :(0 .32± 0 .0 2 ) ,(0 .6 2± 0 .0 6 )vs (0 .82± 0 .0 7) ;SPT :(0 .71± 0 .14 ) ,(0 .6 6± 0 .0 6 )vs (0 .93± 0 .0 3)〕。其中唑吡坦对OKN增益的降低要强于三唑仑 ,但这种影响持续时间不长 ,在服药 6h后即消失。两种短效催眠药对VVOR增益、SPT相位及VOR -Fix均无明显影响。结论 :唑吡坦及三唑仑对人体前庭功能具有一定的影响 ,但这种影响持续时间较短 。
Objective:To investigate the effects of zolpidem and triazolam on vestibular function in healthy subjects and to provide the experimental basis for the military pilots taking these drugs in urgent situation. Methods:Double blind cross over protocal was used in the study. 8 subjects took 0.25 mg zolpidem,10 mg triazolam or placebo respectively with a week interval, and their vestibular functions including OKN,VOR,VOR-Fix, VVOR and SPT were assayed 1 h before and 1,2,3,4,6,8,10 h after taking drug. Results: Compared with placebo, both hypnotic drugs decreased the gains of OKN,VOR and SPT but didn't influence the gain of VVOR, VOR-Fix and the phase of SPT. Zolpidem decreased the gain of OKN more significantly than triazolam.But no significant differences were found between zolpidem and triazolam in the gains of VOR and SPT. The maximal decrease in the gains of OKN, VOR and SPT in zolpidem and triazolam group〔(0.51±0.04),(0.52±0.05)〕vs (0.67±0.13);(0.32±0.02),(0.62±0.06) vs (0.82±0.07);(0.71±0.14),(0.66±0.06) vs (0.93±0.03) respectively〕were found 2 h after taking drugs. The effects of both hypnotics were short lasting, and no alterations were found at 6,8,10 h after drug intake. Conclusion: Zolpidem and triazolam have some effects on human vestibular function but these effects are of short duration.
Journal of Preventive Medicine of Chinese People's Liberation Army
hypnotic agents, zolpidem, triazolam, vestibular function