作为一种全球性经济运作模式的市场经济有其自身的文化意义。在论及这一问题时 ,我们必须把事实判断与价值判断区分开来。在事实判断的层面上 ,全球市场经济意味着功利主义、自由主义以及法律至上等观念的确立 ;只要我们加入全球化进程 ,就无法回避这些强势文化观念的冲击。在价值判断的层面上 ,也必须看到 ,市场经济在刺激经济活力的同时 ,也给世界增添了更多无序和不公平。
As a model for global economic operations, market economy has its own cultural i mplications. When discussing this issue, we must distinguish fact judgments from value judgments. In terms of fact judgments, global market economy implies the establishment of such notions as utilitarianism, liberalism and supremacy of law ; as long as we join the globalization process, we cannot evade the impact of th ese strong culture ideologies. It should be realized, in terms of value judgment s, that while stimulating the economy, market economy also brings about more cha os and unfairness.
Journal of Guizhou College of Finance and Economics